Hitman: Codename 47

The Hitman Series Hitman: Codename 47 Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Hitman: Contracts The Hitman Saga

Tips, cheats, and general info on Hitman: Codename 47


Unlock all levels: Type 'Kim Bo Kastekniv' as your profile name

find the hitman.ini file by looking in the directory you installed the game, or using windows search, and add 'EnableConsole 1' to the end of it.
now, you can enter codes, such as the following;
God Mode : God 1
Infinite Ammo : infammo
All weapons : giveall
Invisibilty : invisible 1
Debug : Debug_enable 1

with Debug on, you can:

press TAB to switch character view
press K and the arrow keys to use Freecam
press Shift+ F11 or SHIFT + F12 while pointing at a guard to kill and make him fly in air
SHIFT + F9 to teleport
I to view cutscenes
CTRL + S to skip level
G,F,H all teleport to different places.
...and much more! type COMMANDS for all the codes

Jumping : start hitman, go to controls, and change turn left or right to whatever you want the jump button to be. then, find the hitman.CFG file the same way you found hitman.ini, find the line Mapping Action="TurnLeft" or Mapping Action="TurnRight" and replace the quoted part with the word Jump. now whenever you press the turn left or right key, which isnt used anyways, you will instead, jump! it's a bit of a cheat, and it makes getting through certain areas easier, because you can jump over them. or on boxes, or whatever you wanna do!

Hitman Levels

Kowloon Triads in Gang War - 13,000
   -take the sniper rifle and a pistol with you, take an elevator to the rooftop, either side, get in position so you can see the middle of the park, pull out the rifle, wait, for the target, and pull the trigger. then drop the rifle where you are and leave. if you want to take out the helicopter, stand IN the elivator, when the gunman gets in position, lean out and shoot him dead. holster and leave.

Ambush at the Wang Fou Restaurant - $12,000
    -buy the car bomb and knife, follow the limo driver to where he pees, take him out and hide the body. steal his clothes then put the bomb in the limo. you know what to do now.

Massacre at Cheung Chau Fish Restaunt -  $15,000
   -take a gun and a knife, run into the bar, get the bathroom key, go in the bathroom, drop your gun, find the red dragon, kill him/ hide body in the nearby sewer, take his amulet and clothes, run into the bathroom again, drop your amulet on the way, pick up your gun, and while still in the bathroom, kill the cop. then sneak out through the window.

The Lee Hong Assassination - $15,000
   -your on your own, this level is too amazing to spoil it for ya.

Finding the U'Wa Tribe - $5,000
   -take the compass, body armor, lots of guns. get to the plane, get the idol. had far south, steal a uniform if you wish, find the bridge area, kill everyone there (except the indian) and he will escape. pick up the sniper if you want a future mission to be much easier. follow the indian, pull out the idol, and give it to the chief. *guards wont shoot you if your unarmed*

The Jungle God - $5,000
   - this is a shootout level. if you have the sniper, use small arms for the firefights. kill a pig or a soldier, drag it to the alter, and the jaguar will attack it, and not you. then run through the hole.

Say Hello to My Little Friend - $30,000
   - if you have the sniper, move backwards and left from your start point, and snipe pablo, otherwise this is a tough mission. anyways, find a way to pablos house, stealing uniforms and the like, kill him if you havent, take the bomb, go to his drug lab, (test with different uniforms, some work, some dont) go in, place the bomb, blow em up, and take the plane out.


Dual Guns: If you have 2 or more handguns in your inventory, make sure both hands are empty, pull out one gun, the hold CTRL and click on the 2nd, and you'll have dual weapons.

Drag and run: while dragging a body, hold strafe left or right and the run button at the same time, and you'll move diagonal, but much faster.

Better minigun control: with the minigun,  tap the fire button once, which starts the barrel spinning, then hold it when you are ready to shoot. or, use secondary fire, and the gun fires as fast as you can click.

setup level in 1 minute: when playing the setup, start the level, run to the elevator oon the ground floor, stand outside of it, then quickly run in, press 2nd floor, and run out. then the elevator will go up and you can complete the level.

Sword: on Lee hong assassination, fibrewire lee hong, then you can approach his body, and if you dont have any other weapons out, you can use his sword. it's a sick weapon.

easiest way to beat last level: kill the first orderly, take all weapons, then run out the gate an to the left through the other gate, where you will see another orderly. kill him too. now this area is your stronghold. gather all the weapons from this spot, and open the door and stand there. the clones will run right at you, one at a time. so pick them off, take their ammo, and have fun.

Traditions of the Trade - $55,000
   - the mission is too much fun to spoil it. tons of ways to do it. you'll figure it out.

Gunrunners' Paradise - $50,000
   - kill the gang member in front of you, steal his guns/ clothes, hide the body, switch the train tracks near him, run to the bar, get the stripper to seduce the driver, meanwhile, place the GPS in the car, run south east, change another railroad track, the train should then bash through 2 gates heading west. go through those, kill the dogs, get the GPS back from the car, kill everyone in the warehouse, hide the bodies, put the GPS in the suitcase, give it to ivan. done.

Plutonium Runs Loose - $75,000
   - spend all the money you want. its end of game time. I cant spoil it, because its too dang long.

The Setup - $100,000
  - after the orderly lets you in, go in the door across from his room, go upstairs, take all the guns, then head upstairs, through the operating room, to the right, kill the doctor, take the key off the wall, make sure his body is behind the desk, take his clothes, holster your guns. head to the 2nd floor on the west side, and talk to smith, get the siringe, follow him to the next level. since you now know what to do, I'd just cheat so that I still have a cool suit on the next level. 

Meet Your Brother
  - suprise! 10 clones out to kill you! kill them all, then kill your father. I'll leave this up to you.

Nothing's quite like a minigun in the jungle!

Get the Hitman Demos at http://www.hitman.dk

Insert Another Sub Header Here

47 and his brothers look Identical, that's because they are identical, accept for the fact that 47 makes his own decisions, and clone series 48 doesnt. notice, however, that there are 11 clones in that picture, with their evil grins, but you only kill 10 in the game? where is the 11th clone? ran away? was he 17? will we meet again? who knows....